
Showing posts from August, 2020

Maslow's Pyramid Scheme

in school, we learn about Maslow's hierarchy of needs. it's that pyramid where the needs on the bottom have to be met before the higher up needs can be attended to. at the bottom is food, shelter, water and rest. at the top is achieving one's full your best life. so, apply that in the time of Covid to our "christian" nation and to these words of Jesus, "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." what's our reality in America right now? we have millions unemployed. millions facing homelessness. millions struggling to feed their families. 10s of millions are at the bottom of the Maslow's pyramid with more being added to that number every day. and why did that happen? because we refuse to contain the virus. in the early phases, we heard the phrases "shelter in place" and "flatten the curve" and a lot of us answered that call...for a few weeks. but then it becam...

We're Losing the Information War

 If Russian troops invaded us, we would all come together to defeat the enemy. But, the thing is…Russia has invaded us. This has been years in the making. Russian disinformation bots are all over our social media. Facebook won’t stop them, so fb has become a cesspool of bad information. We are living in the equivalent of a hostile Russian occupation…on our social media. And when something like Covid hits, it’s incredibly hard to overcome their weaponization of information. People share posts and opinions, not because they’re true, but because they read it on facebook and it fits either what they want to be true or what they’ve been brainwashed into believing is true. Russia can’t possibly be the bad guy. Trump’s friends with Putin. It’s those evil democrats, who have the nerve to try to save us from more Covid deaths, that are the real problem. Think how fucking insane that is. The company Trump keeps includes Putin, Jong-un, Bolsonaro, Erdogan and Mohammad Bin Salman. Th...

Shame on you America

Shame on you America. I just went on a four and half mile walk because I gained the Covid 19, thought “this is great”, put on another 19 and then thought “fuck”. As I waddled around my neighborhood with my ironic covid moustache, 6 months long hair, cargo shorts and neil diamond t-shirt, I probably looked more like a person of interest and less like an exercise enthusiast. But, that’s one of my freedoms in America. I’m white, so I’m allowed to walk around. Black and brown people aren’t so lucky. As I huffed and puffed through my “workout”, I started thinking about the non-white people in the Migrant caravan. So, I just looked up the details . The one that got a lot of national attention two years ago started in San Pedro Sula, 3000 miles from our border. Think about that. Because of violence, poverty and politics, these people were willing to walk 3000 miles. 4.5 miles was about my limit today. At that pace, it would take me almost two years to walk 3000 miles. These peopl...