The Illegitimate President

On Friday, former President Jimmy Carter said, “yes” when asked if he thinks that Donald Trump is an “illegitimate president.”

Trump’s response, “Look, he was a nice man. He was a terrible president.”

Carter makes a fair point. Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. Russia interfered to an unknown extent in the 2016 election. We really have no idea who actually won. Illegitimate seems like a fair choice of words. Trump’s response to JC? Carter was a terrible president. No matter that point being completely subjective and unrelated to the point at hand. Trump routinely takes barbs at anyone who speaks truth about him

It’s the same script. Every time. Meryl Streep was “one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood”. The judge from Hawaii who blocked Trump’s travel ban, became a “so-called judge” per Trump. Of John McCain, prisoner of war, our draft-dogding president said, “I don’t like losers. I like people who weren’t captured.” Yeah, fuck yourself.

Anytime. Anyone. Ever does or says anything that is counter to his perfect plan, the immediate response is to discredit the witness. Schwartznagger supported Hillary, so he got slammed for his version of the Apprentice having worse ratings than the Donald’s version. Cher is an “average talent”. Brian Williams' news “is boring.” Mark Cuban isn’t smart enough. The pope doesn’t get it. Jon Stewart is overrated. Robert Deniro is not the brightest bulb.

Be one of the 17ish women (including his first wife) to accuse Trump of sexual misconduct and he’ll defend himself with “she’s not my type.” 17. different. women. but, yeah...all of them are lying, because god knows donald (who bragged to billy bush about sexual assault) would never tell an untruth.

A put down machine. A hero dissing, pussy grabbing, serial rapist. That’s who republicans have sunk to as their savior. As the killers would say, “he doesn’t look a thing like Jesus.” As a general rule, if you raise a kid who regularly uses the word “loser” the way Don jr does, you’re a piece of shit. Yeah…it’s either that or family Trump has the scripture defying support of franklin graham, james Dobson, fallwell jr and other evangelical leaders/hypocrites.

This is apocalyptical stuff we’re dealing with. Narrow is the path that leads to life. Wide is the path that leads to destruction.

I mean come on. Which side of that do you think Donald is on? Winking at Putin to not interfere with the next election. Hinting that he’s not leaving even after his second term. A Saudi who orders the bonesaw murder of a journalist, a Russian leader who has his critics killed, the north Korean leader who ordered over 300 executions in his first 6 years in charge. This is the company that our president keeps.

This is not a cute, sesame street “which one of these is not like the other” situation. If Grindr paired dudes with others who had similar interests, these would be Donald’s closest matches. If that doesn’t scare the living shit of you, you’re under his spell.

You’ve been hypnotized by the American version of north Korean state news. I realize you want republican to equal what it was when you signed up for the cause, but today's republican party aka the red/trump party is zero percent Christian, zero per cent American and trending towards being 100 per cent as scary as the nazi party as it ascended to power in it’s heyday.

Let’s make America great again, by putting more people of color in cages. in our rich history we have had slaves making white people rich, sent native americans to reservations and Japanese americans to internment concentration camps. now, look at how great we are again!!! we are putting innocent children in cages without sufficient food, drink or hygiene. Praise Jesus for this blessed miracle that we wouldn't have to associate with people fleeing the chaos of their home countries. We're full, brown people! Preach on Savior Trump!

Republicans love to think that democrats are the enemy. Or that socialism is. Or anyone that takes their guns. Or lets abortion be legal. “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” Trump can get away with literal murder as long as he sprinkles in trigger words like Hillary or Obama or socialism or gun grabbers or pro choice. Sure, the man has lied over 10,000 times since taking office. But, just say "fake news" and his followers believe the pathological liar instead of the plain as day truth.

So, there’s all this smoke and mirror nonsense. I seriously can’t even focus enough to write coherently, because there are too many moles to whack in the "problems with trump" files. That’s by design. When you lie 10,000 times. Breathe in. breath out. actually let that sink in. 10 fucking thousand lies. That is the work of a mad man. The genius of his madness is you don’t have enough time to put out his pants on fire before he’s lied another dozen times.

He is suing to keep his taxes secret after campaign promising to make them public. You know what type of person does that? A Christian. Sorry. I meant to say a criminal. but, ya know "lock her up" was the popular chant at trump rallies during the campaign.

he also promised to drain the swamp. like, how he replaced his first EPA head who was a climate denier with a former coal lobbyist. the only thing that says EPA more than being anti-climate is being pro-coal. mission accomplished.

And as long as republicans don’t care about facts, we’re all fucked. Because it takes no time for lies to turn into talking points that his followers use. Lies become the truth. And…full circle…the illegitimate president who got elected only with Russia’s help becomes legit.

It’s mind numbing and infuriating to my common sensical self. Our biggest enemy wanted trump to be president. Then, made sure of it by illegally hacking our election. And instead of being horrified that our arch enemy fucked with our democracy or having some concern as to why they would want the White House to be a Trump property, we have red hat sporting dipshits wearing shirts that say, “I’d rather be Russian than democrat.”

Which soviet leader said they’d destroy America from within? Here we are. Destabilizing the country through the office of the president. Racist border walls. Tariffs that ruin American farmers. Giving tax breaks to billionaires. Taking away social security that we’ve paid into.

Think back to the trump comment before midterms, “we're seriously looking at a tax cut for the middle class.” Con man. To the nth power. And yet, hook, line and sinker his bullshit is being swallowed whole.

I mean, gary hart’s political career ended because there was a picture of a woman sitting on his lap who wasn’t his wife. But, trump can embody every single one of the seven deadly sins and be called a “good Christian.”

No? nothing? Company he keeps. Pussy he grabs. War heroes whose grave he spits on. Decorum he lacks. The twitterverse he trolls. Claim executive privilege on the Mueller report. Assign your own lap dog of an attorney general.  Sue to keep your taxes secret. It only takes one of those things to get that he is the biggest threat to America since the british. Or I guess, more topically, since the south.

He is everything that was wrong with the south. He is Russia. His is jung-un. And the Saudi crown prince. And (pick the best racist and insert here).

But, yeah…by all means, this independence day let’s forget land of the free. Forget all men are created equal. Forget that Trump faked bone spurs to get out of Vietnam. Let’s put tanks in the streets (which are, I assume, only there to "accidentally" run over CNN reporters). And wear our racist hats. And continue to let a man who is an international embarrassment (what did world leaders do when trump spoke to the UN…they laughed) run our country.

This is not fucking funny. there's no way the trajectory of hitler or Mussolini started any differently. whip your base into a frenzy by giving them a made up enemy (for example...the truth), while the wolf in president's clothing takes complete control.

He cares nothing about the law. He cares nothing about the average American. Everything he does is self-serving. it's easy to donate your presidential salary when tax payers are paying over $3 million per trip he takes to mar-a-lago. we pay for him to make money off his own vacation. Not. My. President.

If there was a former republican version of AA, I’d go. Of course I used to be republican. I was Christian. But, at a certain point you grow up. You gain the ability to think for yourself. You ask…why do they need to gerrymander? Why don’t they want all people to vote? Why did they need Russia’s help? And what does that say about them that Russia’s help was accepted? And why do they need to rig the courts in their favor?

Draw your own conclusions. But, know that they are neither moral nor the majority anymore. They are mitch mcconnell incarnate. A man who made sure the bi-partisan election security bill was blocked. Are you fucking kidding me? Take money from Russia. Kill bills that would prevent Russia from further influencing our “democracy.” Let your wife’s job as transportation secretary make you millions.

You can’t actually dig deep into all of mcconnell’s bullshit. and read all of trump’s tweets. And actually fact check every lie he’s told. or take an honest look at how barr is on the side of the president instead of the side of the people. And logically conclude that any of that “makes America great”.

So, who is winning from all this chaos and how soon are we going to be forced to celebrate the day we became part of Russia? Happy independence day! Enjoy it while it lasts.

the way things are going in washington is what you'd see when a dictator takes over. once upon a time in the USA, you couldn't circumvent checks and balances and the rule of law. obviously the mueller report and his taxes are damning or he wouldn't be going to such great lengths to keep them secret. common sense, man. show them both to us and how many hours would be left in your presidency?

Fuck all the fucking mansplaining republicans do to excuse this traitor. He is a stain on our history... the exact opposite of what actually makes us great and a threat to our democracy. if wearing a D next to his name had better served him, he'd do it that way and Republicans would freak the fuck out at what an absolute deplorable human being he is.

And that’s the thing…this whole rant started when I put on the red, white and blue for a US soccer game. It’s hard to be proud of the current state of our union. I love my country and because of that I have to speak up against kids in cages. and a president who is not a leader and creates chaos everywhere he goes. We have to shout from the rooftops that this career criminal is unfit to lead anyone, anywhere, let alone be the leader of the free world.

You can’t just have a continued, unchecked, above the law presidency where taxes are secret and presidency ending reports are redacted. Our election was hacked, man. At any other time with a mcconnell and barr-less political environment, this would have been the easiest impeachment ever.

What type of nation has that type of reality? Russia. North Korea. Saudi Arabia. We are currently not a democracy. Sound the alarms. Open your eyes. Use your brains. A crazy person who wasn’t democratically elected is trying to rule us with absolute power. Fuck that. Please, for the love of God, let the Independence we celebrate this July 4 be restoring our democracy and taking legislative steps to become Independent from dictator Trump.

The USA has had a really, really messed up past. But, we had come so far. a black president! inclusion. anti-bullying. anti-sexual violence. America was trending toward actually being great. But, when the commander in chief is a bully's bully (who ironically cowers when in Putin's presence), brags about/commits sexual violence, is all about dividing us and inciting racists, we have to put him in his place by letting our built in check and balancers do their job and impeach the mother fucker! U-S-A! U-S-A!


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