John 11:35
You know how Jesus was always saying stuff like, “screw
immigrants. Like a lot. But, especially screw over their children. If you can
traumatize them for life by separating them from their parents, do it. thanks be to God.”
And then of course you have his stance on sexual assault. In
the book of matthew, he is very clear. “grab em by the pussy.”
And he loved to call minorities “sons of bitches” and told
them plenty of times to “go back to where you’re from” (even if they’re
actually from here and not a “shit hole” country).
Now who’s the son of a bitch? I just read that back and
realized, like a lot of my fellow conservatives have done, that I accidentally wrote “Jesus”
instead of “Donald J Trump.”
It happens.
but what if Christians actually read the bible and took it
to heart instead of listening to Donald’s 13,000 lies and taking his “truth” as
We wouldn’t be here.
You can’t really let a mere man call himself “the chosen one”
and just let that slide. you're going with, "I know the bible says “thou shalt have no other gods
before me”, but Donald is my exception."?
This guy? The (25 time alleged) serial rapist. The kurd murderer. The one who
sided with the man who bonesaw murdered a journalist. He’s your chosen one?
Who did Jesus actually get pissed at? The gays, right? Fuck
yes! Amen. Go on Chick-Fil-A donate to those anti-gay agendas. Oh shit wait.
Jesus says nothing about homosexuality.
The people he flipped out on were the religious. The Pharisees.
The fuckers who knew the word, but refused to actually practice it. oh well hello there 2019 American christians.
when Jesus said “wide is the path that leads to
destruction and narrow is the path that leads to life” did he really mean, "blindly follow the pathological liar." maybe he could have been
saying “get off the churchy road and watch what I do.”
He proceeded to hang out with the broken. Prostitutes. Fuck ups. Lepers. Less thans. He washed people's feet.
He didn’t go seek out a pope type character and say “let’s hang”. He didn't chill with billionaires at Mar-A-Lago.
He didn’t go seek out a pope type character and say “let’s hang”. He didn't chill with billionaires at Mar-A-Lago.
What need did any of the super religious or extremely wealthy have for God? They were
god. People revered them. They made up their own rules. And Jesus bashed the
shit out of them for their self-importance. white washed tombs, he called them.
And that is what Trump has turned the Republican party into.
Democracy in America is dead.
When trump can refuse to comply with subpoenas, refuse to
turn over his taxes, refuse to testify, release part of a “transcript” of the Ukraine
call and hide the rest of it and scream “witch hunt” (most of that thought should
be credited to Laura Casey) it should be easy to conclude that he is the
problem. But, apparently, it’s not.
I had a random fb friend, who I met once, feel compelled to
comment on an anti-trump fb post of mine. He said he didn’t vote for trump, but
had issue with the way the democrats are handling the impeachment inquiry.
When you don't have facts on your side, you argue process. or discredit the witness. or lie 13,000 times. i'm at a loss as to how that strategy keeps working for the man who said, "this is the end of my presidency. i'm fucked."
When you don't have facts on your side, you argue process. or discredit the witness. or lie 13,000 times. i'm at a loss as to how that strategy keeps working for the man who said, "this is the end of my presidency. i'm fucked."
It’s bad enough that the died in the wool Christian republicans
are bending over backwards to defend an indefensible human being, but when you
have a moderate (maybe, not sure of his political affiliation) defending trump
on my facebook, what the actual hell is going on?
The fox news spin machine and the Russian trolls have gotten
so good at infiltrating us with their narrative that an innocent bystander
wants to make sure he sets me straight? that's someone who is passively following this stuff doing donald's dirty work for him. how has it gotten to this point?
I had a rough day today. the truth has become irrelevant and i want to take reason and common sense and make everything okay. but, it is so fucking far from okay. sure, the house approved the
impeachment inquiry, but at this point Donald could take a dump on the actual
constitution and still have every republican in his corner.
And what he has done so far is not far from that. The quid
pro quo is in plain sight. He admitted to it. the emoluments clause is “phony”.
He and his family are a walking conflict of interest.
He’s vile. A bully. A terrible leader. Hearing him talk is nails on a chalkboard. None of those are impeachable offenses, but the Republican party should be better than that.
He’s vile. A bully. A terrible leader. Hearing him talk is nails on a chalkboard. None of those are impeachable offenses, but the Republican party should be better than that.
I can't figure out how Trump could possibly be mistaken for a Republican. And moreover, why him at all? per how this blog started. How has he become Jesus/"the chosen one"?
and like this sick, twisted, alternate universe version of Jesus where he can sin
literally all he wants and he has his lawyers arguing that he could shoot
someone on 5th avenue and not be tried.
Laws don’t apply to me, because I’m the president. He thumbs his nose at the constitution and rewrites it to
fit himself. Just like the Pharisees. This part doesn’t suit me, so it’s phony.
At least the pharisees were righteous on the outside. Trump doesn't hide any of his unrighteousness (taxes not withstanding). He lies multiple times daily. And conservatives continue to wear their Trumpian beer goggles. World sees liar. They see the chosen one.
At least the pharisees were righteous on the outside. Trump doesn't hide any of his unrighteousness (taxes not withstanding). He lies multiple times daily. And conservatives continue to wear their Trumpian beer goggles. World sees liar. They see the chosen one.
It’s idiocy not a presidency.
We’re talking about a man who stole money from his own kid’s
cancer charity. The fucking thing was shut down. money that was
supposed to go to kids fighting cancer went to trump and his family.
And it’s a complete non-story.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Unless they are the
kind of person who puts kids in cages and makes sure sick kids don’t get cancer
treatment. Then you’re my golden boy.
It’s fucking sickening.
And again, how is this the cross that the supposed
conservatives, the republicans, are willing to die on? Isn’t mike pence
homophobic enough? Can’t you just go thank you, next? Or is it that only trump
is this blatantly racist?
We’re talking about a fucking party who is giving tax breaks
to billionaires and will cut medicare/ social security…the entitlements that we've all paid into. Who villainize the other party for having the nerve to want to
give out free college or affordable health care. How are the republicans the
ones wearing white hats? They’re like the reverse robin hood, but somehow still
have support.
And that’s how the state of our union is such that trump can
abandon our allies, the Kurds, to give Russia exactly what it wanted in that
region. how are we here? trump's deciding things on his own that suit our enemy. we're going to make an emergency arms sale to the saudi's in may, because trump wants to? and divert national parks' funds to his military parade? it's all straight out of a dictator's playbook.
I actually have to wrap this up. Mentally, it’s just too
much. Trump is an imbecile. If we got conned by an intelligent, slick talking
man of the people, sure. But, we’re talking about a pussy grabbing, tax
evading, self-dealing, casino-bankrupting, kids cancer stealing, quid pro
quoing, borderline illiterate who goes into Twitter tirades about literally nothing.
He’s the best repulicans have? And so much so that they’ll
fight against truth and law and the most basic common sense to keep him in
power? Something is rotten here.
It’s like we’re living in that Tom Cruise movie “The Firm”.
Russia controls the firm. Wilford Brimley and Gene Hackman and that guy with
the long hair are McConnell and Barr and Pompeo. And the rest of the republican
party are the wives who kind of know something is way off, but like belonging
to the country club.
Meanwhile, the rest of us are that character who sits in his
backyard with his sprinkler on him. too numb to move. it's a helpless feeling. this can't possibly be real life. didn't treason used to be frowned upon? we're all screwed.
Fuck that though. We need Jerry McGuire to come running
really fast down the street and “show me the money”. You complete me, tom
cruise. Hurry up and save the day. This is the impossible-ist of the
missions, getting people to take their head out of the sand. but, really at this point it would take Ethan Hunt breathlessly Mission Impossibling Trump's taxes into the public eye. sadly, i'm not sure if that would be enough.
Getting people to listen to the truth should not be this hard. 13,000 lies? Yep. Don’t
care. Kids with cancer? Nope. Not on their side. Trump deserves that money
more. It makes total sense to me that my fearless leader would want to sue to
keep his taxes secret and confiscate translator notes when he talked to Putin.
The truth will set you free. Unless you lie all the time. That can apparently keep you from prison. it's another one of those, sure...jesus said this, but Trump knows what he meant.
Jesus loved the poor. He hurt with those in pain. He healed
the sick.
Trump puts poor kids in cages. Mocks disabled reporters. And
wants the healthcare industry to make money.
He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus. And we have to keep screaming
reality in the face of his non-stop lies. These are dark times.
Literally. he called climate change a hoax. and you really
have to hate your childrens’ children to pick present day big oil profits over future
human life.
How in the bloody fuck are there no republicans standing up
to this con job? In part, I guess, because trump is funneling money into the
campaigns of the republicans most at risk of losing their seats. Buying their
Fuck the law. Fuck the constitution. Fuck democracy. Fuck the
rules. We’ll just rapid-fire install a bunch of conservative judges. and make up words like "fake news" and "alternative facts" to give lies more sex appeal. and put money where our lawyers and judges can't help. it's like a bad mob movie where the villain gets away with everything. and elliot ness took early retirement.
but, trump is too unpolished to have been an actor. and as a second rate reality tv star who couldn’t get any American
bank to lend him money, Trump was done. Hello deutsche bank. Hello Russia. Rig a
presidential election and it’s goodbye America as we knew it.
The only possible bible verse that could apply to this shit
show is John 11:35
“Jesus wept”
there should be tears shed for what's going on. our biggest enemy wanted trump to win. our biggest enemy is doing everything it can to keep trump in power. no thinking that through by republicans. instead it's...let's keep suppressing the truth and calling whistle-blowers, the free press and the constitution the real enemy.
to fight for donald trump is to fight for russia and against truth and democracy and true patriotism.
there should be tears shed for what's going on. our biggest enemy wanted trump to win. our biggest enemy is doing everything it can to keep trump in power. no thinking that through by republicans. instead it's...let's keep suppressing the truth and calling whistle-blowers, the free press and the constitution the real enemy.
to fight for donald trump is to fight for russia and against truth and democracy and true patriotism.
God damn this presidency is embarrassing. And THAT is not
taking God’s name in vain. Taking God’s name in vain is calling yourself a
Christian and supporting Donald Trump. And every one of the religious leaders
that have pledged their undying support to this man are modern day Pharisees.
Put the 10 commandments back in the schools? Yeah that'll fix us. good
fucking thinking when all 7 deadly sins are in the oval office.
To not vote to impeach at this point is not just choosing party over country, it's choosing money over truth. And you know how much Jesus loved those money lenders in the temple. Flip those tables Republicans. It's not too late to be on the right side of history. it wouldn't suck if we had leaders who valued people more than money.
pick a side...
"the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." Jesus H Christ
"i have the best words." (and very few of them are true) Donald J Trump
Please don't make Jesus weep any more than he already has.
To not vote to impeach at this point is not just choosing party over country, it's choosing money over truth. And you know how much Jesus loved those money lenders in the temple. Flip those tables Republicans. It's not too late to be on the right side of history. it wouldn't suck if we had leaders who valued people more than money.
pick a side...
"the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." Jesus H Christ
"i have the best words." (and very few of them are true) Donald J Trump
Please don't make Jesus weep any more than he already has.
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