Not My President

“Donald Trump personifies everything the rest of the world despises about America: Casual racism, crass materialism, relentless self-aggrandizement, vulgarity on an epic scale. The fact that so many Republicans are comfortable with the thought of this monumentally unqualified man in the Oval Office shows how warped the Party has become.”

This quote from a New Zealand journalist got me tonight. And not just the quote itself, but the reality that it’s from four years ago. Trump was seen by the world as human garbage before he took office and it’s only gotten worse. (I guarantee that people who read that and are offended by the human garbage line, would have thought of him in that exact way until he put an (R) behind his name.)

He is everything we shouldn’t want in a President. A divider. A fear monger. A liar. A cheater. A bully. A madman. A terrible orator.

And holy fuck that letter he wrote to the Turkish president. That’s borderline illiteracy. That’s “you’re not going to pass 9th grade English” bad.

Let’s break down one of his sentences. On more than one occasion, he’s called himself a “very stable genius.” So, where did that come from? No doctor would ever use language like that, especially not to diagnose the Donald.

So, the likely origin is that Trump is aware that people think he’s an idiot. He clearly is unstable. And hears that chatter too.

So, he thinks, “My critics (never mind my actions) say I’m an unstable idiot. Sad. Okay. Let’s think. What will really show them? I know. I’ll do what I’ve done to the truth 13,000 times since taking office. I’ll flip it. What is the opposite of stable? Okay. Got it. And what is an antonym for idiot? Wait. Actually. What’s an antonym? Thank you, Noah Webster. (I’m terrible at roleplaying Trump…he’d take credit himself before he’d thank anybody). All right. Here it is. Not only am I going to tell everyone that I’m a stable genius, I’m going to quantify it, by adding the word “very”, thus proving its validity.

That’s our president. A man that makes us a laughingstock on every possible level.

We just bombed our own military base in Syria, because of Trump’s hasty plan to screw over our the Kurds. Abandoning our allies wasn’t genius enough. The plan was so ill thought out that the “best” way to see it through was to bomb our own base to “reduce usefulness”.

Our. Own. Base.


What third grader can’t figure out that those actions don't sync up with a commander in chief and the term “great and unmatched wisdom”? My wisdom is so great and unmatched that we had to bomb our own base.

But, that, right? That’s enough. If you can’t hear those words…words that no other leader in history would have ever uttered…and not immediately think “serious mental illness”, you’re not being intellectually honest.

You don’t sue to keep your taxes secret because you’re innocent.

You don’t instruct aides and staffers not to testify and/or not to comply with a subpoena, because they don’t have dirt on you.

You don’t fly into Twitter rages over nothing when you’re the leader of the free world.

If anyone says they want their kid to be like Trump when they grow up, they’re Russian.

As Mikel Jollett said this week, “Occam's Razor says the simplest explanation is usually right. So I'm not saying Trump is completely under the control of Russia. What I'm saying is EVERYTHING TRUMP DOES is exactly what someone would do if he was completely under the control of Russia.”

It would have been too obvious to sell “What Would Putin Do” bracelets on the campaign trail, so they went with the RED hats.

And everything I’ve just said above is exactly why it’s hard to write about Trump. There are an unending number of times in which he's engaged in conduct unbecoming of a President. Space doesn’t allow me to get into everything every time. 25 women have accused him of sexual misconduct. Jimmy Carter sold his peanut farm. Trump is having the next G7 Summit at his resort. His press secretary told us to “get over” the quid pro quo.

Get over it, because it’s about to get much, much worse?

I mean…come on. The fucking State of our Union is that it’s cool to be racist again, thanks to Donald J Trump.



But, he would have had zero chance to take things this far without enablers. And the entire Republican party is to blame for that. All those who have not stood up to him. All those who, even worse, have cheered him on or defended all his lies and all his criminal and non-presidential behavior.

In less than 1000 days, Trump has made over 13,000 false or misleading claims. That’s too many. Unless you wear a red hat.

So, how has it come to this? The conservative party. The religious party. That’s the party of Trump? No man. It was cute when W couldn’t figure out the “fool me once” quote. It’s not cute when Republicans are getting fooled 13,000 times by a con man.

If this dude is your savior, you’re not on a stairway to heaven, you’re on a highway to hell.

At this point, you have to be impossibly gullible to still be backing Trump or to think for a minute that he has the US’s best interest at heart.

But, that is the republican base. Reason is irrelevant. The only truth is whatever Fox News says. It’s too easy. All you have to do is say the trigger words. Socialism. Gun control. Pro Choice. Universal healthcare.

And in that case, you can be as big of a threat to democracy as Trump is and still get support. Just say “Obama” and “Pelosi” and you’re a god among men.

You have carte blanche to lie 13,000 times. To fuck over the Kurds. To grab women by the pussy. To give billionaires tax breaks while the working class mind-numbingly cheers you on. To have facebook ignore its policy that ads on its site must be true, so that you can lie at will in your campaign ads. To support the man who had a journalist killed with a mother fucking bonesaw. 

For god’s sake man. Trump is evil incarnate. But, nothing shocks Republicans into reality.

The only enemies to them are liberals. And the truth.

So, as long as Russia disguises itself as a republican, it’s thy will be done, in the US as it is in Mother Russia.

Our election was rigged. By our biggest enemy. To benefit Trump. And that doesn’t give Republicans the slightest pause.

“It’s fine, because we won.” What if the “we” really is Russia? What if that simplest explanation idea above is reality?

It would matter zero percent to Republicans. If Trump tweeted, in his typical broken English, that he is a Russian asset, he would get millions of likes and retweets. From republicans. Because, they would sooner cede control of our great nation to our actual enemy, the Russians, before they'd let their Fox News imagined enemy, the Democrats, regain control.


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