the president has no plan?
This is the one that I haven’t wanted to write. The one that
has fucked up my head all day and that’s been brewing in my brain for weeks.
I’ve kind of alluded to it a few times, but let’s just piece it all together.
We’re at least 90 days into the Covid crisis in the US. And
the president has no plan.
We’re first in cases. First in deaths.
And the president has no plan.
That’s by design, because he’s not on our side. Every day in
his press conference he has some new, outrageous statement for people to get distracted
by. He’s the “total authority”. Or “everything we did was right”. Yesterday he
suggested injecting disinfectants or ultraviolet light into the body.
He’s the court jester. Juggling insane lies and ridiculous
claims. As long as our eyes are on the constantly moving balls, we aren’t
focused on what really matters.
And what matters is the president is running a for-profit
How much time has he spent grieving for those who have lostloved ones? In the last 3 weeks, he spent plenty of his 13 hours of tv time
bragging about himself, but gave just 4 and a half minutes to his victim’s
families. Are the flags at half-staff for the 50,000 Americans who have died because of
coronavirus? No, because he doesn’t care about human life. He cares about
himself. And he cares about making money.
Please look at the charts in this article from Time magazine
about the woeful lack of PPE to fight the coronavirus.
We’ve had three months to mass produce PPE to ensure that
those on the front lines have the supplies they need. Instead RTs, doctors,
nurses, hospital housekeeping and others on the front lines (and their families)
are unnecessarily being put at risk. This is life or death.
And the president has no plan.
Google search “ppe being seized” and then click on “news”.
Over and over, states and hospitals think they have ppe on the way, only to
have it seized by the federal government. There’s no accounting for where it
goes from there.
Jared Kushner has zero experience in this field, yet he is
in charge. He’s overseeing how the national stockpile gets distributed. The
president’s son-in-law is taking ppe from the hospitals and states that ordered
them. And sending them overseas or to “red” states or to whoever he sees fit.
With no oversight. We have no idea when or why shipments are seized. And no
idea how they’re being distributed.
What we do know is that doctors and nurses across the
country are dying, because…
The president has no plan.
The greatest economy in the world can’t produce or procure
enough life-saving supplies? No. of course they can. But, this is a for-profit
pandemic. Make sure supplies are limited, seize supplies from those who
need/ordered them and then you can divert them to "red" states or pay a company
that had never made masks $55 Million (or $5.50 per for a mask that shouldn’t
cost more than one fifth of that) or charge states in dire need as much as you want.
Some people are making money off of this. The rest of us are
expendable. Hospitals trying to protect their workers have equipment seized by
Kushner? Are you fucking kidding me? Trump is killing us, so of course he
wouldn’t mourn the lost lives.
If American lives mattered to Trump, we would have had
massive testing, track and trace and other worldly levels of prep of PPE
beginning 3 months ago. Why would we not make billions of masks to ensure our
health professionals on the front lines are safe? Extra equipment could go to
countries in need or would eventually be used here even if the pandemic wasn’t
as bad as expected. Err on the side of caution.
What do we have instead? Woefully inadequate testing, a
national shortage of supplies and still no plan. three fucking months in.
50,000 families in mourning with thousands more joining them each day and Trump
is congratulating himself on a job well done.
The virus had already been spreading throughout our country
for a month when the president called it a hoax. He had all the info in
January, but would later say that he “didn’t see” the memos that Peter Navarro
circulated throughout the white house. The memos that warned of peril to the
lives of millions of americans and would cost us trillions of dollars.
Millions of lives. Trillions of dollars. Trump, “I didn’t
get the memo.”
Fuck yourself. You got the memo. You knew how bad this was
going to be and you spent months intentionally downplaying this pandemic.
So, this is where it gets ugly. Why?
three options come to mind. he wanted to make money. Or he’s
not on our side. Or both.
Hydroxychloroquine. Not approved by the fda as a treatment
for coronavirus. But, yet hyped in the press briefings by D. Trump. So much so,
that an Arizona man died after taking it.
Why did trump talk it up? this article should clear that up. You’re telling me we can’t protect our
doctors and nurses with adequate ppe, but we have 29 million doses of an
unproven drug just sitting around? If it had turned out to be the cure all, how
much money would have been made from Trump’s hydroxychloroquine stockpile?
The longer the pandemic ravages our united states, the more
relief bills there will be. Who do those help the most? The people who can’t
pay rent and can’t feed their families? Fuck no. instead of rent freezes and
food stamps and making sure we’re all staying home by giving financial help to
our most vulnerable, the bills give assistance to those who don’t need it and
maybe $1200 once to those who are in bad shape. the haves get to have more. The
have nots get stepped on.
Remember when our president called nfl players “sons of
bitches” for peacefully protesting racism in America by kneeling? But, the white president shows up at the national prayer breakfast with the "acquitted" headline. pray to God for healing for our nation and you're a son of a bitch. pray to trump...well, that's why we're here. a white president kills us
in mass and makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and that’s known as making
America great.
90 days in. the president has no plan.
Any other president. This would have been our reality… late
January. Here’s what we’re going to do as a nation. We’re going to come
together. we're going to mass produce tests and protective equipment. We’re going to suffer for a little while, because if we don’t put in
the time now, the virus will make sure that we’ll suffer for a painfully long
time. This is the scientific reason we need to shelter in place. This is why
flattening the curve matters. These are words from the actual doctors and
nurses on the front lines in china/Italy/france during their surge. We will do
everything in our power to prevent that from happening here. My heart goes out to all the families who have lost lives
and livelihoods to this horrible pandemic. we are at war with a deadly virus. but, we will get through this. together.
“president” trump…90 days too late (after further dividing american into red and blue states and telling governors that they had to be nice and appreciative if they wanted his help.) “I have a good you know
what" (as he points to the empty space where his brain should be). that was an actual quote during his “have we tried injecting
disinfectants and sunlight into people” rant. no science needed. Trump has a
hunch. Ask rick bright how trump’s hunches go. He is a vaccine expert. And was
fired for contradicting trump.
The chaotic state of our union exists because we don’t have
a leader. We have a dictator. And god forbid you get in his way. “maybe I’m a
natural” is greater than many years of experience in the field. Trump’s hunches
are why US body bags are piling up. Trump’s way or the highway is why the US
economy is fucked beyond repair.
But yet, he held out taking the coronavirus seriously to
ensure the economy kept going. And now he’s clamoring (with the help of William
barr threatening states who don’t open on Trump’s timeframe) to restart the economy
even though coronavirus cases continue to rise.
Ignore the experts. ignore what's best for the people. force everyone to listen to one voice...the lies of a lunatic.
This is hitler. This is Mussolini. This is stalin. And
putin. And jong un. And mbs.
if you think that's being extreme...look at the facts. power has been consolidated. elections have been compromised. There are no checks and
balances. Any time a whistle blower blows, trump fires them. There is no
oversight into the coronavirus response. (instead we have nepotism joining
hands with profiting off American deaths) And the scariest one of all I read
yesterday, the federal election commission can’t do its job because of mitch
Why are we here at all? Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3
million and without the help of Russian disinformation and facebook allowing
it, trump would not have won.
Our biggest enemy wanted to trump to win. Now trump’s coronavirus
inaction has our nation in ruins.
It turns out: a president did have a plan.
unfortunately, that president is Vladimir Putin.
former soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev said in 1956, “We will take America without
firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from
And here we are.
As Trump said in 2014, “You know what solves it?” Trump
asked, referring to Obamacare. “When the economy crashes, when the country goes
to total hell and everything is a disaster — then you’ll have riots to go back
to where we used to be when we were great.”
From Trump's lips to Putin's ears.
It shouldn’t have scared the living hell out of us that
Russia wanted trump to win? Or that they backed his deustche bank loan when no
US bank would lend the 6 time bankrupt trump any money? Or that trump's company has
properties in Russia? Or that he keeps suing to keep his taxes secret? Or that
he only befriends dictators and continues to piss of our allies?
Did he guarantee that all Americans would have health
coverage during this crisis? No. rent freezes? No. protecting doctors and
nurses? No. did he bail out billionaires and seize more power with less
oversight aka leverage a pandemic for his own gain? Yes, he fucking well did.
it was a hoax on the front end and it was just announced this morning that fauci and birx are going to take a back seat, because the
press briefings are now going to focus on the economy. on both sides of these 90 days, trump has been willing to serve up american lives as a sacrifice to the almighty economy.
Unemployment is at 20%. You know how to fix that? silence the experts and unsafely
restart the economy. Republicans can’t wait to kick the most vulnerable off of
unemployment, sending them back to work without guaranteed health care.
That is fucking sickening.
We’re in a health crisis and health care is still a privilege, enjoyed by the haves. More and more people are going to lose health care as they lose jobs their health coverage was tied to. or they'll simply no longer be able to afford to pay for it out of pocket when it’ll be a struggle just to put food on the table.
We’re in a health crisis and health care is still a privilege, enjoyed by the haves. More and more people are going to lose health care as they lose jobs their health coverage was tied to. or they'll simply no longer be able to afford to pay for it out of pocket when it’ll be a struggle just to put food on the table.
We’re not testing in mass. And yet, still cases continue to
rise. So, yes Donald…please talk more about injecting sunlight and
disinfectants and have the doctors talk less. The only way this makes any sense
is if he is not on our side.
And not only is he killing us, he’s profiting off of it.
that’s how the five time draft dodger makes America great. He does have a plan.
it’s just not one that cares the slightest bit about saving lives or helping
the less-fortunate (which there will soon be many more of).
It’s everything Russia could possibly hope for. The riots
trump wanted in 2014? They’re coming. Because, what happens when millions of
people can’t pay rent and can’t feed their families? Not peaceful protests.
It’ll be total and utter chaos. We are being destroyed from within.
And as long as you have chaos, how can you have a free and
fair, democratic election? There won’t be one. Because, if trump loses, he’s
headed to jail. Mcconnell and barr too. they’re criminals protecting each other
instead of fulfilling their oaths to serve the American public.
We’re dying in mass and they’re ramming more right wing
extremist judges through. And forcing Wisconsin citizens to vote in person during
a pandemic. Trump even said out loud that if more people could vote,
republicans would never win another election. Duh. So, they’ll make sure that
there’s not a fair one.
We’re not just under attack from an invisible virus, our
democracy is under siege as well. our American dream has become an American
nightmare that only cares about the interests of a select few. A president with
absolute power and oligarchs who have a high concentration of the national
wealth. It’s russia’s reality and it’s about to be ours unless we can actually
somehow make it through this and vote Russia’s favorite US president out of
Trump is an embarrassment on every level. He tweets like a 5th
grader. Yells at reporters who ask what he would tell americans who are worried
in the middle of a pandemic. He shouts “fake news” at all truth. And we’re too
busy watching his circus monkey juggling shit show to be paying attention to
the dark, behind-the-scenes realities.
Either he knows he’s going to lose the election and he’s
going to take us down with him. or he will rig the election and this chaos will
continue. There’s no scenario where trump can allow himself to lose or it’s
prison for him and his axis of evil.
And every single foolish thing he’s said. Every time
Americans with a brain have spent hours talking about how they can’t believe he
did or said this. It’s by design. And with each lie told and insane corona
remedy peddled, his statue in Trump-ingrad, Russia gets bigger and bigger. He's taking us from
world power to 3rd world country during a single term.
Take anything I’ve said above about trump. Replace his name
with “Obama”. How would this be going? a) it would have never happened, because
Obama cared about making America great for all americans, not just the
privileged. b) the racist republicans would be freaking the fuck out.
we’ve become the URRR (the union of racist Russian republicans).
Why do you think those hats are red?
Because of mcconnell and trump, this is going to be a mess for
a really long time. They are right wing extremists who have tricked the country via the fox news spin machine into thinking that they are “conservative”. Bernie Sanders
would be right of moderate in most civilized countries.
But, we’re not civilized when Bernie is a monster for
wanting a $15 federal minimum wage and healthcare as a right and not a
privilege. More and more people are going to be begging for that in the coming
months. And instead more and more are going to die and bury loved ones in
service of don trump’s economy.
Late stage capitalism is not equal to America being great. Great
countries take care of their most needy. They are moral and just and fair. Our
supreme court is rigged. We have kids in cages. We have for profit prisons. To be
white is to have a chance. Or it was. Now white people are going to feel a tiny
fraction of what brown people have felt in this land of the “not free” for
And what is the oppressed white man’s response? rallying/protesting
for their right to kill other people as they risk their own lives mask-less-ly for the economy. a government who would pay us to stay home and guarantee healthcare? are they protesting that? hell no...fuck bernie...i'm free...i want to work out where corona is still spreading like wildfire. what the hell is going on? Trump
told them to liberate from democratic governors who actually value human life. and they're on the rich guy's side? even though i might die or make others sick, i want to work so trump's supporters can continue to be mega-rich? This is
all so fucking backwards.
But, backwards is right if Russia is the one calling the shots
for us. dividing us. crippling our economy. Magnifying a health care crisis via trump's inaction. Hey look. Trump does have a plan after all. it’s russia’s.
who's talking? the moron. who's not talking? the experts. who does that benefit? our enemy.
we have to keep talking. keep protesting. and vote like our lives and our democracy depends on it, because they do.
who's talking? the moron. who's not talking? the experts. who does that benefit? our enemy.
we have to keep talking. keep protesting. and vote like our lives and our democracy depends on it, because they do.
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