actual conservatives
i got an email from the lincoln project yesterday (i'll post it at the bottom). they're the group of actual conservatives against facism/trumpism. and it was so friggin refreshing.
there is nothing "conservative" about this iteration of the GOP. there is nothing conservative about donald trump.
i could respect a conservative opinion (like the lincoln project's), just like i could respect an actual christian opinion.
but, it's not possible to be either conservative or christian and still be supporting this fucking monster. trump is the opposite of what it means to be a christian and the opposite of what actually makes our country great.
tear gassing peaceful protesters to get a photo opp with a bible. lying to us about/downplaying covid, causing 20+% of the world's covid deaths despite only having 4% of the world's population. lying 20,000 times in 4 years. not paying taxes (which either makes him a tax cheat of epic proportions or the world's worst businessman...his $421M debt answers that question). at a time of unpresented racial tension, he's dividing us instead of bringing us together. running a non-stop pay to play "i'm going to need you to do me a favor first" presidency. grabbing them by the pussy to the tune of 20+ sexual misconduct accusations. i mean come on. the list is never-ending.
he is neither law-abiding nor a man of order, but stands at the pulpit of his church of hate blowing the racist law and order dog whistle that's been around since lyndon johnson. he decries false enemies like progress, libs, dems and "socialists".
spoiler alert. the bible tells the story of a jesus who was a helluva lot more socialist than capitalist. feed the poor. take care of widows and orphans. heal the sick. flip the money changers tables. rich young ruler. pharisees. etc. etc.
but, we're america, a capitalist state, so we'll rewrite the bible to fit what's best for us. and that's the prosperity christianity of false prophets like joel osteen.
"socialsm" is great when it's balanced out with democracy. look at Venezuela matt you fucking libtard. uh yeah. look at Venezuela. socialism isn't the problem. a lack of democracy is the problem. Scandinavia checks its socialism, balancing it out with democracy. and the results are fantastic.
and what is the GOP trying to do at every turn...undermine our democracy with gerrymandering, closing polling locations, illegally purging voters, allowing our biggest enemy to interfere in our election, etc. trump himself said if more people voted no republican would ever win again. fucking duh.
but, instead of changing the party to fit what the people want, they cheat the elections and use hate/lies as a weapon to dissuade people from voting for the other side.
the GOP is screaming "socialism" while using tactics straight out of the dictator playbook. socialism with democracy is fine (medicare, social security, post office, police, all "socialist" american institutions). capitalism without democracy is far more dangerous. and that's where we are with the election rigging and vote suppressing of the GOP.
the 1% are never satisfied. they get socialism in spades (tax breaks, federal bailouts like the banking or auto industry got, tax dodging etc) but will tell you that socialism for poor people is the problem.
the GOP's real enemy is the truth. it's donald trump's kryptonite. that's why he's still suing to hide his taxes.
and i wouldn't keep bringing the truth up if this wasn't life or death. this isn't "lol trump's an idiot". this is the potential end of the american empire at the hands of a career con-man who always seems to do what's in his own best interest, the 1%'s best interest or russia's best interest.
our kids deserve an america where the rule of law matters. where the constitution matters. where there are checks and balances. and EVERYONE has the right to vote in a free and fair election.
instead, we're in legit danger, mostly because of the propaganda of fox news, russian bots, alt-right facebook filters and a likely compromised and definitely unpatriotic GOP. to still be on trump's side is to have been conned.
but, the cult of maga will not win, in part, because of conservatives who care about our country and democracy. begin letter from lincoln project...
The United States Senate has historically been revered as the world’s greatest deliberative body.
Indeed, there was once a time that was true.
But today, the Republican Senate Majority has turned it into a clown show, full of grandstanding, self-aggrandizing, indolent, power-hungry cowards who have neglected their duty, evaded accountability, and betrayed their oaths to the Constitution.
Donald Trump is an acute and especially perilous threat to the pillars of our democracy, our national security, and the very fabric of our Republic. But he could not induce so much destruction to our nation and desecration of his office if not for the dereliction of duty by these obsequious enablers.
That is why they must go.
And we have them on the run.
Mitch McConnell is scrambling as he watches his majority crumble before him, with the likes of Lindsey Graham and Joni Ernst nearing defeat.
These Senators made a choice. Instead of affirming their loyalty to the Constitution and to the American people, Mitch, Lindsey, et al. shirked responsibility in lieu of greed and the brazen pursuit of political gain.
The Lincoln Project is working day and night to defeat Trump and Trumpism. Nobody who threatens the survival of our country will be safe hiding in the Senate.
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