The GOP is Pavlov, Maga is their bitch
every single issue democrats support, republicans oppose no matter how much that hurts all of us.
dems favor science. republicans take covid's side.
dems favor helping all of us. republicans serve the 1% exclusively, while absolutely nothing trickles down.
except racism.
dems are for black lives. so, republicans villainize them.
dems are for democracy. so, republicans fight to make it harder to vote and then sue and coup to overthrow free and fair elections.
republicans use trigger words like freedom, socialism, rioter, looter and fraud to get their followers to fight against their own interests, in service of the 1%. the mere mention of those words makes maga froth at the mouth.
that's because the GOP is pavlov and maga is their bitch.
"freedom" is why we lost 5x more americans than we should have to covid. big corporations needed their employees back to work, even if conditions were unsafe. so republican leaders got their base to fight for their "freedom" to breathe covid on all of us.
the fear of "socialism" is why, even during a pandemic, those in desperate need couldn't get government help. the GOP is the party of socialism. period. it's just that all of their handouts go to those who need it the least...big corporations and the 1%.
maga can't hear "BLM" without screaming "rioter" or "looter", because the GOP has reframed 400 years of systemic racism into a single out of focus shot. in so doing, they let the white people responsible for the massive racial divide off the hook and ignore the tens of millions of peaceful protesters, causing none our country's issues of racism to even be talked about, let alone dealt with. this country was set up by white people for white people and those in charge have always dog whistled their way into maintaining that power structure. they destroy black lives every day, but call them "rioters" in the same way they stole this land, but called the natives "savages".
trump started yelling "fraud" months before the election. and his case was so compelling that the only lawyer he was able to get to help was the guy who farted covid on jenna ellis, fell victim to borat, bled hair dye and booked an actual press conference at four seasons total landscaping instead of the hotel. not surprisingly, trump went 1 for 65 in court, because there was no fraud.
did that stop him? fuck no. he has maga in the palm of his hand. he kept yelling fraud to spite the facts until his trained dogs stormed the capitol and murdered cops in service of their master's lies.
it's fucking crazy. all of it. take emotions out and actually look at the bullshit we've lived through these last four years. the GOP knows maga will not do that, because they've conditioned their base to ignore the facts.
how is 400,000 unnecessary covid deaths, the rich getting richer while the rest of us get crushed, the worst stretch for racial relations in my lifetime and our democracy nearly being overthrown equal to "America First"?
no republican still standing will reflect on that reality, because they are incapable of independent thought. everything maga thinks and says has been manufactured in the GOP propaganda machine. it comes from fox news and the carefully chosen words of GOP leaders and talking heads. they all know exactly what they're doing. and they know maga isn't smart enough to figure it out.
fascism is here. in america. right fucking now.
facebook uses alt-right "news" sources as fact checkers to filter out the truth. they wanted donald trump to win. and let lies and russian disinformation infest their platform to that end. and yet even they banned the donald because he is a clear and present threat to our democracy and an enemy of the state.
his election fraud lies just caused a violent coup attempt, and was only possible because of years of fox news/gop propaganda.
hearing lies, propaganda and coup in the same sentence should make all of us realize that history is trying to repeat itself. mussolini had his black shirts, hitler his brown shirts and donald trump and the GOP have the red hats.
hitler attempted a coup 10 years before he took power. his crime was high treason and he only got five years in prison. we cannot afford to make that mistake with the fascist GOP. our democracy is dead unless everyone responsible for inciting the insurrection is held accountable. this cannot be a wrist slap, like hitler got, or the GOP will continue to assault our democracy with lies and propaganda until they succeed at overthrowing the government.
think that's overstating it? consider this: fox news wasn't alt-right enough for maga, so newsmax, oan and other outlets were created to take things even further right. same with facebook giving way to parler. the last four years have seen a dramatic alt-right turn in the republican party. over and over again, republican leaders who speak out against the party and stand up for the truth, the rule of law or the constitution get censured, while those who stick to the fascist GOP talking points quickly rise through the ranks.
that should scare the hell out of all of us.
but, it doesn't. the people that need to hear this message the most have been propagandized so severely that every truth they are told makes them react in an immediate, pavlovian, "that's fake news" way. so, they won't bother to read this. the GOP cannot succeed unless fake news wins, while the truth gets snuffed out.
remember, "fake news" wasn't even a thing until trump needed something to offset is non-stop lies. and it's become the republican escape hatch for their every misdeed. if the truth was actually seen and heard by all americans, we wouldn't be in this mess.
but maga has built up herd immunity to the truth and simply will not come back to reality. we've spent too much time laughing at maga instead of addressing the issue. this isn't "that's funny" or "they're stupid", it's "this is fucking threat level midnight".
facts are an actual threat to the alternate reality that the GOP and Fox have created. so, they've set up trigger words that get their people to react emotionally instead of rationally when faced with the truth.
trump and the GOP just killed almost 600,000 of us with their covid lies. and the republican propaganda machine had maga fighting against the science that could have saved us and for more americans to die. almost 500,000 of our deaths were completely avoidable, but for the GOP being pro-covid. that's how history will write this story.
and yet, maga is having none of it. they blindly follow conmen and pathological liars to the point where they were accessories to genocide. they've become nothing more than trained dogs that the GOP has sicced on the people who are actually trying to help.
science matters. the other 99% matter. black lives matter. our democracy matters. and the truth matters. to still be a republican is to disagree with all of those statements. and that is the exact fucking opposite of what makes america great.
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