Maga is Fake Patriotism and Fake Christianity
the truth would have set us free from covid. but, trump lied and maga jumped at the chance to kill 600,000 americans instead of the 100,000 or so that we would have lost if our covid response had been the slightest bit science based. all we had to do was be average (our % of covid deaths being equal to our % of the world's population) and we would have saved 500,000 american lives.
but, america is world class. aren't we? average would have been a failure. to have killed 5x more than average is unconscionable.
our population is 13x that of australia. australia has had 910 covid deaths. total. if we handled covid like australia, we would currently have less than 12,000 covid casualties.
instead of demanding a world-class covid response and begging for lives to be saved, maga cheered on the genocide while screaming "freedom". their personal "normal" was more important than your life. times 500,000.
jesus laid down his life for his followers. trump laid down his followers lives for his own. the man got covid. almost died. and likely would have if it weren't for the emergency use, experimental treatments he received that are not available to anyone else.
but at least he came out of that begging people to take covid seriously, right? no. he hosted superspreader hate rallies where he knew some of the people dumb enough to show up would die. he never wore a mask. never encouraged distancing. or gave the microphone to fauci and the scientists who could have helped. and maybe worst and most selfishly of all, trump got the vaccine in secret when he knew that doing so publicly would help save lives.
and instead of standing up to trump's pro-covid, anti-life bullshit, maga retweeted it. the blood of 600,000 americans are on their hands. and the fact that maga mindlessly followed the piped piper of death as hundreds of thousands of bodies piled up is evidence that maga is much more dangerous and radicalized than Isis.
the gop knew the science. they knew they could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. and they knew that the way to save the economy was by saving us from covid first. but, they also knew that maga would believe literally anything they said.
so, they publicly told us covid would go away (and never encouraged safety protocols that would have saved lives) while they privately endorsed the debunked herd immunity strategy (that kills many times the number of people that otherwise would have died).
what kind of evil makes doctors like fauci into the bad guys during a pandemic? trump and the gop.
but, you know the GOP...they're all about "america first" and we are...1st in covid cases. 1st in covid deaths. and 1st in being laughed at by the entire world as the former world super power that handled covid like we're a third world country.
instead of leading the world's best covid response and then helping third world countries, we became the country that needed help, because trump is not the chosen one that maga makes him into, but is much closer to being the god damn anti-christ.
jesus was all about helping the down and outers and healing the sick. he told the truth. he had a problem with fake religious and uber rich.
but, what did maga evangelicals support? a party that lied religiously, killing us in mass. a party that made us sick instead of healing us. a party that preyed on the poor and made the rich richer with their covid response. could you get help from the gop after they ruined your business? fuck no. they got maga to yell "socialism" at you.
why is there no quality of life in america for the have nots? and why is the class of those of us who i'd consider "working poor" getting bigger every day, while the rich have nesting doll yachts? because we don't tax the rich like we used to. and because cost of living (especially the GOP's evil for-profit health care system) has gone way up, while worker wages have not.
what would jesus do, right? he loved the fake religious (maga) and especially loved the uber rich (the group that the GOP serves exclusively). and he hated healing the sick and feeding the poor. didn't he?
yes, but only if you're a member of the church of maga, who have made a mockery of actual jesus while idolizing someone like trump. anything that exemplifies behavior jesus modeled, republicans call "socialism".
republicans have weaponized that word. they use it as an excuse for not helping the type of people jesus helped. and then turn around and give handouts to the super rich that jesus was critical of.
one would think that after GOP covid lies killed hundreds of thousands of americans unnecessarily, maga would have some level of self-awareness. nope. they begged for more american suffering and death by actually voting for the monster who orchestrated the covid genocide.
so, don't tell me you love america or love jesus if you continue to support the republican party. their lies and anti-america, anti-jesus behavior is why we're in ruins. and now they're trying to dismantle our democracy with lies about election fraud.
to support evil like that is to be evil yourself.
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