600,000 dead of Covid is not America First
“My father looked at me mildly, amusement in his eyes.” Scout in “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
That’s the dream, right? That our kids catch us being amused
by them. We are, but do they see it? They’re amazing, but do we take the time
to get out of our own shit and observe their greatness? And better yet, catch
them being great and let them know that’s how we see them?
I’ve said it before, but we all suffer from the misfortune
of having parents. Parents are human. And humans are imperfect. So, we all grow
up damaged. The goal therefore becomes to limit the bruising. And to take a
stand against unhealthy family traditions.
I write my way through my shit. And it does my heart good
that my daughter has taken to writing as well. Having that skill and using it
as a coping mechanism at her young age is invaluable right now.
Because our country is fucked the fuck up.
Every day is a waking nightmare when one third of our fellow
Americans are completely untethered to reality. The Covid lies of Trump and the
GOP killed hundreds of thousands of us completely unnecessarily. They didn’t
even try to contain Covid, and in fact, did more to promote it than prevent it.
Just as bad, they showed zero remorse. They offered no sympathy to the victims'
That is just not human.
And I want nothing to do with anyone who still supports this
inhumane iteration of the Republican party. To support evil is to be evil
Like my family background I’ve shared on this blog many
times, you fucking stand up against evil. You do not sacrifice those you claim
you love to the same evil that fucked you up.
Same principle is in play with the GOP. For fuck’s sake how
do Republicans live with themselves?
600,000 Americans died of Covid. And every single person who
voted for Trump is an accessory to his genocide.
The man hosted maskless, packed super spreader rallies,
guaranteed to kill some of his own followers. He mocked Biden’s socially
distanced events. For. Fuck’s. Sake. What in the bloody hell is wrong with our
fellow Americans who cheered his blatant disregard for human life?
Cases were completely out of control in November. And Trump
never even mentioned Covid. He spent every waking hour abandoning his duties as
President and perpetuating the Nazi style election fraud Big Lie.
And the same fucking people who believed his Covid lies even
as bodies piled up in mass, believed his election fraud lies even after he went
1 for 65 in court because there was no fraud.
But, let’s stick with Covid.
We have 4% of the world’s population.
If we had 4% of the world’s Covid deaths, our current death
toll would be under 150,000.
With that math defining “average”, 450,000 of us died
because maga is human garbage and retweeted Trump’s lies instead of doing
everything they could to help save American lives.
But, those motherfuckers call their cult’s actions “America
first”. For the love of God, being number one in Covid deaths and cases is America
last you complete fucking morons.
If America was first, our Covid response would have been
world-class. It would not have included Trump failing to even read the pandemic
playbook Obama left for him or disband the pandemic response office or seize
PPE from states and sell them for profit or call Covid a hoax or fail to get
adequate testing in place early or say the most fucking absurd nonsense like “we
have the most cases because we do the most tests”. No, you anti-science
fuckhead. We have the most cases because of your gross incompetence.
Australia handled Covid in a world-class way. They have 25
million people. And lost only 910 lives to Covid.
Adjusted for population, that’s like the US losing a total
of 12,000 over the entire course of the pandemic. We’ve lost 12,000 Americans
in the last 24 days.
588,000 of us could still be here. But, for Trump killing us
in mass. And maga helping.
Do you not think the families of Trump’s victims think about
that every god damned day? But, maga just does not give a shit.
We’re going to lose more American lives to Covid than we
lost in the Civil War.
To still support the Republican party after they fought on
Covid’s side in the 2nd Civil War is to be out of your ever loving
mind. I want nothing to do with those people. They are fucking evil incarnate.
To stare at those stats and actually fucking cheer the party responsible. Every
last person who voted for Trump can get fucked.
Those people came after my life. They came after my kids’
health, mental and physical. They came after my business. And my kids’ bright
I’m supposed to pretend everything is fine and continue
interacting with those monsters? Fuck that. They are all dead to me. They have
been radicalized so severely by Fox News and GOP propaganda that they’ll
continue to support their party during a fucking genocide.
I will not stop raging on Facebook and Twitter and on this blog
about what kind of fucking awful human being you have to be to STILL be a
Look your kids in the eye. And tell them you helped kill
600,000. That you looked at the Covid charts. And saw us worst in cases and
deaths. And voted for the party that made that possible. That you supported
evil and more American suffering and death.
Everything I’ve said about Covid on facebook for the last
year and a half has been spot on. How the fuck it’s going to take hindsight for
some people to see that I have no idea. The idea that there are people I know
completely glossing over 600,000 dead Americans to still post anti-vax or
pro-Covid propaganda is terrifying. How much evil do you have inside you that
you’re still willing to step over bodies and insist you’re right?
Like the unhealthy family traditions I started with, it
starts with Fox News. Absolutely everything they do is to manufacture hate. The
shit that actually matters, like the GOP Covid genocide, they won’t cover, but
they’ll get their viewers to freak out over Obama’s tan suit or Biden’s dog
biting someone.
For the love of God Maga, your kids have zero future if you
keep that hate festering. And continue to live in that state where critical
thinking is not allowed. America is done for if your party wins out. We’re no
longer a democracy. Why did Trump fuck over our traditional allies and pal
around with world dictators? Because that’s the direction the GOP is trying to
take us. The obliteration of truth and the rule of law and the consolidation of wealth and power. Fascism 101. With Putin as the mentor and Trump as the apprentice.
Putin has killed dozens of journalists. Trump calls the free
press “the enemy of the people.” Putin poisoned and tried to kill his chief
rival. Trump screamed “Obama spied on my campaign” when in actuality Trump had
the Department of Justice illegally get data from 73 phone numbers and 36
emails of prominent Democrats.
We end up like Russia if Republicans win this war on
democracy and truth. Your kids will have none of the freedoms you claim to
value. And I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to hear that your explanation is that
you listened to a career conman who lied 30,000 times while in office or that
Tucker Fucking Carlson told you to do it. Fuck all of you anti-american pieces
of shit.
My kids deserve a future. And you have to fucking hate Riley
to have voted for Trump. You have to absolutely despise Blake to have voted
Republican up and down the ballot.
Hate does not fucking win this story. We cannot let evil
family traditions be passed on to future generations. We have to stop this shit
right fucking now.
Why do I post so much on Facebook and Twitter? Because there
is nothing else. Our democracy is on life support. A fucking genocide wasn’t enough of a wakeup call to get maga’s
attention and bring them back to reality. And that should scare the ever-living
hell out of all of us.
Atticus looked at Scout mildly in to Kill a Mockingbird.
Maga looks at their kids (and all of us) with nothing but hate. They’re willing to sell out
their kids’ future for the chance to live in a Fox News alternate reality where
600,000 dead is America first.
And I will speak out against and absolutely hate that type of evil until my dying breath. We all must stand against the maga death cult before it's too late. I'm sure people are upset with me for how much or how directly I speak out. Are you fucking kidding me man? Some people would sooner let evil have its way than ruffle a few feathers. God, that is so fucked up that anyone could see 600,000 dead and be totally fine with the party responsible.
I can look my kids in the eye. I can tell them I fought for their future. And stood up to evil. Maga, what the fuck are you going to tell your kids? That you let Fox News make you believe that scientists were the bad guys during a pandemic? Being an accessory to genocide is fucking unforgiveable.
Thing is, there have been countless Trump atrocities that would have been deal killers for any rational person who actually gives a shit about America. And I cannot comprehend a reality where not even a genocide can get maga to abandon ship.
That is a level of radicalization far more dangerous than Isis or Al Qaeda. We're experiencing Nazi level brain washing and propaganda. And to continue to embrace that is to be on the wrong side of history. The children of maga are going to be unable to process how anyone could be so impossibly stupid. Where they should be getting an Atticus style mild look from their parents, there's only hollowed out eyes and an empty soul from all the hours their parents spent letting fox news convince them to hate reality.
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